Saturday, May 05, 2012


After resisting for a couple of years, I finally signed up for my very own Twitter account. Much like I never start watching a TV series until it's been on the air for a couple of seasons (and I'm confident it won't get canceled the very second I fall in love with it), I wait out social networking sites until I'm pretty sure they won't be yet another flash in the pan.

Sorry, Pinterest, but I have enough websites to keep track of...

When I heard that Twitter survived the loss of one of its most prolific tweeters, Ashton Kutcher, I decided it was time to hop aboard the bandwagon. For the past two months I've been sitting on the sidelines, reading tweets from friends, playwrights, publishers, comedians, and Jay Leno. Learning the ropes, you might say.

I was pleased to see several of my play publishers tweet with surprising regularity (@playscripts, @theatrefolk, @MrSamuelFrench, @youthplays), connecting customers with playwrights and creating a virtual community of artists. This engagement of the theatre community is ultimately what convinced me to take the leap and post my very first 140 characters. I still haven't quite mastered hashtags, retweets, followers, etc, but I'm sure I'll figure it out in no time.

And what better way to jump in than head first? Which is why I've decided to LIVE TWEET the Saskatchewan Drama Association Middle Years (May 7-9) and Provincial (May 10-12) Festivals taking place next week at the University of Regina. I will dedicate a blog with all the specifics shortly, but in a nutshell I hope to start a Twitter revolution at the festivals this year and I invite you to become part of the conversation.

I will be seeing upwards of 20 plays next week and will be posting my positive reactions, comments, and inspirations LIVE as the week progresses. I know several of the playwrights who have plays in the festivals, so I will keep them updated after each performance. Publishing companies like to know when their plays are being produced, so I will alert them as well. And all of the students involved deserve to be celebrated.

I hope YOU will also join in the fun! If you're going to be at the festivals, feel free to contribute your positive reactions and congratulations to those involved in the productions. If you're not going to be there, but wish you could be, follow along and take part in the fun!

Simply follow me at:


Then search for (and use in all your posts) the hashtag:


I look forward to seeing just how many playwrights, students, directors, parents, and audience members we can include in the conversation. Stay tuned for the specifics about both festivals and all the rules/guidelines for taking part!

1 comment:

  1. unfortunately I don't have a twitter rid of it and I don't think I'm going to provincials this year (I'm just a tad upset I'm missing it again it was the highlight of my year for four years) but I will definitely read your blog as I have for the past few years


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